7 tips to be pretty without wearing makeup

Your beauty does not reside solely in makeup. You can be equally spectacular without applying cosmetics to your face. Just take care of yourself both outside and inside

This is why you should clean your feet before sleeping.

Shaving: mistakes and care

The wrinkles of the person who smokes

One of the trends in celebrities is to go out “to the face washed” and not for that reason stop looking pretty. Many times we believe that to look beautiful you need to use tons of makeup but that is not true.

In the following article we give you some tips to make you look natural.

Highlight your beauty without wearing makeup

Our face changes a lot when we put on makeup; that cannot be denied. However, we must accept that we are still interesting when we do not use mask lashes, lipstick or blush.

A woman is much prettier when she can enhance her attributes without anything “artificial.” To look good without makeup, pay attention to these tips:

Clean your face well

Face products

If the skin of the face is clean, it will look younger, radiant … and beautiful! You can enjoy the properties of facial cleansers sold in stores, as long as you pay attention to their components.

Many times they have very strong agents that remove dead cells from the dermis, but also cause redness or dryness.

Washing your face twice a day is also necessary to make it look more radiant, without oiliness or pimples. If you only clean your face when you bathe or want to remove your makeup, you’d better start doing it when you wake up and before going to bed at night, too.

Exfoliate and tone

In addition to washing your face every day, exfoliation is important to remove all blemishes and excess oil. Be very careful not to rub the skin too much to avoid redness or irritation. If you do not want to use a chemical scrub you can take advantage of the benefits of sugar.

A dermis tonic is one of the products that cannot be missed in your daily cleaning. It is used to restore the natural pH of the face, remove excess oil, close pores and much more. Just remember to consider your skin type before purchasing one of these items.

Use natural products

Dry lips

Makeup is not only expensive, it can also cause skin irritation and blemishes. The mascara, for example, requires a lot of effort to remove it and that damages the health of the fragile hairs that protect our eyes.

A good replacement may be petroleum jelly. With very little quantity you will give it the shape and volume that you like the most. Another natural makeup is coconut oil. It is used on the lips as a moisturizing balm and protector from ultraviolet (UV) rays. Ideal for those women who always have them parched or chipped.

No colored lipsticks … A little of this oil and voila! They will look sensual and shiny, in addition to care.

Use sunscreen

Even if you think tanning is a way to look good without makeup, the truth is that sun damaged skin is not pretty at all. Even on winter, cloudy or rainy days a little protection is necessary. Otherwise, you expose yourself to premature aging, skin diseases and, in extreme cases, skin cancer.

If you have a very fair complexion, use a protector of at least 30 SPF. In any case, choose those creams that also serve as moisturizers: this way you will not have to use two different products.

Don’t touch your face

A more than usual mistake. We touch our faces when we are nervous, when we are bored or when we are hot. This bad habit stimulates the production of fat and favors the accumulation of bacteria. All this leads to looking unhealthy skin.

Don’t scratch your face too much either, as it causes loss of firmness and causes wrinkles prematurely.

Sleep and eat well

Not only do you have to perform specific actions on the face to make it look good without makeup. It is necessary to comply with certain healthy habits if we want a flawless face.

One of them is a good rest. When you sleep well it shows. The skin is relaxed, has no black marks or bags under the eyes and remains smooth and healthy. It is recommended to sleep 8 hours in a row every night.

On the other hand, we advise you to feed properly to look more beautiful and not need kilos of makeup to cover up imperfections. The two liters of water (minimum) of each day are not enough. You should also eat better and include more raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Even if it is winter, a juice or a smoothie of fruits or vegetables at breakfast will make the skin look really young and natural.

Pluck your eyebrows

Epilating tweezers

Perfect eyebrows frame the face in a unique way. If they look good, it doesn’t matter if you don’t wear lipstick or blush. They will highlight your eyes and make you look beautiful.

You can go to a beauty salon to have your hair removed, either with wax or with tweezers. In the event that you don’t dare to remove the hairs, you can comb them and keep them “at bay” with some gel.

Other tips to look good without makeup

Wash your hair every other day to avoid the accumulation of fat.

Curl the lashes with a special tool.

Apply eye drops or drops to the eyes.

Pinch your cheeks for color.

7 tips to be pretty without wearing makeup

Your beauty does not reside solely in makeup. You can be equally spectacular without applying cosmetics to your face. Just take care of yourself both outside and inside

This is why you should clean your feet before sleeping.

Shaving: mistakes and care

The wrinkles of the person who smokes

One of the trends in celebrities is to go out “to the face washed” and not for that reason stop looking pretty. Many times we believe that to look beautiful you need to use tons of makeup but that is not true.

In the following article we give you some tips to make you look natural.

Highlight your beauty without wearing makeup

Our face changes a lot when we put on makeup; that cannot be denied. However, we must accept that we are still interesting when we do not use mask lashes, lipstick or blush.

A woman is much prettier when she can enhance her attributes without anything “artificial.” To look good without makeup, pay attention to these tips:

Clean your face well

Face products

If the skin of the face is clean, it will look younger, radiant … and beautiful! You can enjoy the properties of facial cleansers sold in stores, as long as you pay attention to their components.

Many times they have very strong agents that remove dead cells from the dermis, but also cause redness or dryness.

Washing your face twice a day is also necessary to make it look more radiant, without oiliness or pimples. If you only clean your face when you bathe or want to remove your makeup, you’d better start doing it when you wake up and before going to bed at night, too.

Exfoliate and tone

In addition to washing your face every day, exfoliation is important to remove all blemishes and excess oil. Be very careful not to rub the skin too much to avoid redness or irritation. If you do not want to use a chemical scrub you can take advantage of the benefits of sugar.

A dermis tonic is one of the products that cannot be missed in your daily cleaning. It is used to restore the natural pH of the face, remove excess oil, close pores and much more. Just remember to consider your skin type before purchasing one of these items.

Use natural products

Dry lips

Makeup is not only expensive, it can also cause skin irritation and blemishes. The mascara, for example, requires a lot of effort to remove it and that damages the health of the fragile hairs that protect our eyes.

A good replacement may be petroleum jelly. With very little quantity you will give it the shape and volume that you like the most. Another natural makeup is coconut oil. It is used on the lips as a moisturizing balm and protector from ultraviolet (UV) rays. Ideal for those women who always have them parched or chipped.

No colored lipsticks … A little of this oil and voila! They will look sensual and shiny, in addition to care.

Use sunscreen

Even if you think tanning is a way to look good without makeup, the truth is that sun damaged skin is not pretty at all. Even on winter, cloudy or rainy days a little protection is necessary. Otherwise, you expose yourself to premature aging, skin diseases and, in extreme cases, skin cancer.

If you have a very fair complexion, use a protector of at least 30 SPF. In any case, choose those creams that also serve as moisturizers: this way you will not have to use two different products.

Don’t touch your face

A more than usual mistake. We touch our faces when we are nervous, when we are bored or when we are hot. This bad habit stimulates the production of fat and favors the accumulation of bacteria. All this leads to looking unhealthy skin.

Don’t scratch your face too much either, as it causes loss of firmness and causes wrinkles prematurely.

Sleep and eat well

Not only do you have to perform specific actions on the face to make it look good without makeup. It is necessary to comply with certain healthy habits if we want a flawless face.

One of them is a good rest. When you sleep well it shows. The skin is relaxed, has no black marks or bags under the eyes and remains smooth and healthy. It is recommended to sleep 8 hours in a row every night.

On the other hand, we advise you to feed properly to look more beautiful and not need kilos of makeup to cover up imperfections. The two liters of water (minimum) of each day are not enough. You should also eat better and include more raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Even if it is winter, a juice or a smoothie of fruits or vegetables at breakfast will make the skin look really young and natural.

Pluck your eyebrows

Epilating tweezers

Perfect eyebrows frame the face in a unique way. If they look good, it doesn’t matter if you don’t wear lipstick or blush. They will highlight your eyes and make you look beautiful.

You can go to a beauty salon to have your hair removed, either with wax or with tweezers. In the event that you don’t dare to remove the hairs, you can comb them and keep them “at bay” with some gel.

Other tips to look good without makeup

Wash your hair every other day to avoid the accumulation of fat.

Curl the lashes with a special tool.

Apply eye drops or drops to the eyes.

Pinch your cheeks for color.

Take care of your dental hygiene.

Use a cloth face covering to help slow the spread of COVID-19

Its fabric face covering can protect others. Fabric covers for the faces of others can protect you.

About fabric face covers

A cloth face covering does not necessarily protect the wCOVID-19earer, but can prevent transmission of the virus by the wearer to others.

COVID-19 is spread mainly from person to person through respiratory droplets when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or speaks. These droplets can end up in the mouth or nose of those who are nearby or possibly be inhaled and reach the lungs. Studies and evidence on infection control report that these airborne droplets typically travel about 6 feet (about two arms apart).

Wear cloth covers for your face

The CDC recommends using cloth face covers in public settings where other measures of social distancing are difficult to maintain, such as in grocery stores, pharmacies, and gas stations.

Wearing cloth covers for your face can slow the spread of the virus and help prevent those who may have the virus from unknowingly passing it on to others.

Cloth face covers can be made from household items.

A woman with a face covering in detail showing how the fabric barrier helps contain respiratory droplets she exhales

Avoid spreading by asymptomatic people

While people who are sick or know they have COVID-19 should isolate themselves at home, COVID-19 can be spread through people who have no symptoms and are unaware that they are infected. This is why it is important that we all practice social distancing (keeping a distance of at least 6 feet from other people) and wearing cloth face covers in public settings. Fabric face covers provide an additional layer of protection to help prevent respiratory droplets from moving through the air and infecting others.

How to make fabric covers for your face

CDC Recommendations for Homemade Cloth Face Covers

Who should NOT use cloth face covers: children under 2 years of age and people who are having difficulty breathing, or who are unconscious, disabled, or unable to remove them without assistance

The CDC recommends using cloth face covers in public settings where other measures of social distancing are difficult to maintain, such as in grocery stores and pharmacies.

Simple face cloth covers can be made at home to help prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Who should NOT use cloth face covers: children under 2 years of age and people who are having difficulty breathing, or who are unconscious, disabled, or unable to remove them without assistance

Fabric face covers are NOT surgical masks or N-95 respirators. Surgical masks and N-95 respirators should be reserved for healthcare workers and other members of the emergency response medical staff, as recommended by the CDC guide.

How to use fabric face covers

The use of cloth face covers is an additional measure to help slow the spread of COVID-19 when combined with everyday preventive measures and social distancing in public settings.

Who should NOT use cloth face covers: children under 2 years of age and people who are having difficulty breathing, or who are unconscious, disabled, or unable to remove them without help

Fabric face covers are NOT surgical masks or N-95 respirators.  Surgical masks and N-95 respirators should be reserved for healthcare workers and other members of the emergency response medical staff, as recommended by the CDC guide.

Use the face cover correctly

Wash your hands before putting on the face covering

Position it so that it covers your nose and mouth, and secure it under your chin

Try to fit the sides of the face

Make sure you can breathe easily

Fit the cloth mask to your face.  The mask should cover from below the chin to above the nose, and the bridge of the nose should be pressed to achieve a good fit.

People complying with social distancing guidelines

Use the face cover to protect others

Wear a face covering to help protect others in case you are infected but have no symptoms

Wear the face cover at all times while in public

Do not put the cover around the neck or on the forehead

Do not touch the face cover and if you do, wash your hands

Have daily health habits

Stay at least 6 feet away from other people

Avoid contact with people who are sick

Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds each time.

Use a hand sanitizer if you don’t have soap and water

Illustration of two people with face mask at a distance of 6 feet from each other

Take off the face cloth cover

Take off the face cloth cover carefully when you get home

Untie the straps behind your head or stretch the ear bands

Handle it only with ear straps or bands

Fold the outer ends

Put the cover in the washing machine (learn more about how to wash fabric face covers)

Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth when removing the cover, and wash your hands immediately after removing it.

Choose a skin foundation

Choose a skin foundation? The selection of your skin type foundation is quite significant. Firstly, A foundation looks great on your neighbor doesn’t mean it’s going to be precise for you.  Similarly, It’s almost obligate to choose a foundation that balances the need for particularly your skin tone and matches your skin color perfectly.

When you try to presumption the perfect makeup shade for your skin, choose a skin foundation there’s a solid chance your choice won’t be an accurate match. However, let us help you discover the benefits of the different types of foundations so you can find your perfect match.

In this review, we will show you the different types of foundation and their merits and demerits. Test your skin tone and choose a skin foundation today.

'Choosing a skin foundation'

7 tips to be pretty without wearing makeup

Matte-Finish Liquid Foundations


•          Firstly, Lightweight texture and finish. In other words, it doesn’t feel heavy on the skin.

•          Typically easy to blend build able coverage.

•          Excellent for holding back excess oily shine.

•          Generally a safe choice for garment blemish-prone skin.

•          Beneficial for those who live in humid climates and cannot get their foundation to last.


•          Firstly, foundations with a matte finish can augment flaky skin or wrinkles if the finish is too dry. In other words, You can remedy this by applying a light layer of moisturizer or a serum below, although that can reduce the matte aspect of the finish.

•          Attempting to mingle mistakes after it sets can cause rolling or streaking, which is hard to correct.

Moisturizing Liquid Foundations


•          Typically provide light to medium coverage that accommodates for a natural look.

•          The best for hydrating skin without being pinguid.

•          Satin or satin-matte finishes, consummate for normal to dry skin.

•          Many have a slight sheen for a youthful-looking glow.


•          Not the best option for oily skin because the moisturizing finish makes oily areas look even oilier.  In other words, You will get oily skin.

Anti-Aging & Serum Foundations


•          Best multitasking foundations, providing coverage and anti-aging ingredients that are favorable for all skin types.

•          Complement an anti-aging skincare routine to net you even better consequence.


•          Some “anti-aging” serum foundations exaggerate their superstar ingredients’ avail or include only minute amounts, so you’re not getting what you pay for.

Pressed-Powder or Loose-Powder Foundations


•          Firstly, Easy way to get a smooth finishing for normal to slightly oily or slightly dry skin.

•          Some powder foundations offer thin luminescence for a soft glow.

•          Pressed-powder versions are easily portable, for on-the-go touchups.

•          Lightweight feel.  In other words, it will comfortable for you.

•          Excellent for use over a daytime moisturizer with SPF to decreases the shiny finish of some sunscreens.


•          If you have very oily skin, powder foundations can look slip into pores.

•          If you have dry or flaky skin, the powder will absorb moisture, creates your skin drier.

•          Powder’s pigmentation can change when it mixes with the skin’s excess oil and oxidizes.

•          Building coverage can look cakey or powdery.

Cream-to-Powder Compact Foundations


•          Easy to blend with a sponge or brush, and sets to a powdery finish.

•          Ideal for normal to slightly dry or slightly oily skin if you don’t want a true matte finish.

•          Wide range of coverage, from merely to full.

•          Work well for on-the-go touchups.


•          Tend to look heavier than other types of foundation.

•          Not for very oily skin because the cream section exaggerates shimmer and the powder finish isn’t potent enough to keep spillover oil in check.

•          Not for very dry skin because the finish exaggerates dry areas.

Stick Foundations


•          Typically offer a medium to full coverage to conceal imperfections.

•          Works well for on-the-go touch ups.


•          Some stick foundations have a thick, waxy texture that looks heavy and can lead to clogged pores and/or worsen breakouts.

•          Not always easy to blend over big areas.

•          If the finish is too creamy, it can crease into lines around the eye.

Tinted Moisturizers and BB Creams


•          The sheer nature of tinted moisturizers (and many BB creams) makes it  easier to match skin color because they tend to blend on almost furtively.

•          Often combines soft coverage, hydration, and sun protection in one product, for triple the avail.

•          most importantly, Bonus if the formula contains skin-replenishing ingredients.


•         However, It coverage can be too sheer for obvious immaturity.

Above all, Those keeps you skin healthy.

In conclusion, Choose a skin foundation for you today.

Importance of Skincare and Makeup

Importance of Skincare and Makeup:

The first impression of our body is how you look. The importance of Skincare and Makeup makes your skin Pretty and healthy. Skin is the major part of a great looking and this is the most important part of looking great and smart. This is very important for us to care for skin and keep it protected.
In the glamorous world, both men and women become very aware of their appearance. when it comes to skin, everybody is quite fastidious about its care. they also want how to take care of their skin and keep it gorgeous and shining.
Everyone wants to look very beautiful and desires for having glowing skin and shiny hair. To keep your body is fit and comfortable as well as beautiful are many great challenges before us. Good looking is really in itself a charming trait of our body, which shows our attitude and thinking. Today, this is the era of fashion and beauty is the birthright and you should take care of your god-given gift. Only healthy people will a beautiful outlook will have a habitual attraction about them. In addition, health will contribute certainly of the hair, skin, and eyes. So if natural beauty is the targeted goal, healthy habits are very essential to keep the body fit and comfortable.

Choose a skin foundation

Importance of Skincare and Makeup:

Make up is the best way to hide the age and make you young and very smart so that everyone will glad and smile on your face. Lifestyle should be very unique and daily routine so that you can maintain yourself and keep yourself running. Drinking and smoking make your lifestyle lazy and slow and you also look very tired and aged look. Therefore, for looking younger skin, you should follow healthy and suitable food with a right balance of essentials nutrients. This is a great way for girls to dresses up nicely and carries herself and adds charming beauty to the body.

Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin

Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin

Good skin care, like sun protection and gentle cleansing, can keep skin healthy and radiant.

1. Protect yourself from the sun

Don’t have time for intensive skin care? You can still pamper yourself by following the basics. Good skin care and choosing a healthy lifestyle can help you delay natural aging and prevent various skin problems. Start with these five sensible tips.

One of the most important ways to take care of the skin is to protect it from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can lead to wrinkles, age spots, and other skin problems, as well as an increased risk of skin cancer.

To get the most complete sun protection:

Use sunscreen. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen that has a sun protection factor of at least 15. Put on plenty of sunscreen, and reapply it every two hours — or more often if you’re swimming or perspiring.

Find shady places. Avoid the sun between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, when the sun’s rays are more intense.

Wear protective clothing. Protect your skin with tight-knit, long-sleeved clothing, long pants, and wide-brimmed hats. Also be aware of laundry products that can provide clothing with an extra layer of UV protection during a specified number of washes, or special garments to protect you from the sun, which are specially designed to block UV rays.

2. Don’t smoke

Smoking gives your skin an aged appearance and contributes to the formation of wrinkles. Smoking narrows the small blood vessels in the most superficial layers of the skin, which decreases blood flow and pales the skin. This also removes oxygen and nutrients that are important to good skin health.

Smoking also damages collagen and elastin, the fibers that provide strength and elasticity to the skin. Also, repeated facial expressions you make when you smoke, such as pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting to exhale the smoke, can contribute to wrinkles.

Additionally, smoking increases the risk of squamous cell carcinoma. If you smoke, quitting is the best way to protect your skin. Ask your doctor for advice or treatments to help you quit smoking.

3. Treat the skin gently

Daily cleaning and shaving can harm your skin. To treat it gently:

Limit the length of the bath. Hot water and long showers or baths remove natural oils from the skin. Limit the duration of the bath or shower and use warm water instead of hot water.

Avoid strong soaps. Strong soaps and detergents can remove natural oils from the skin. Instead, use mild cleansers.

Shave carefully. To protect and lubricate the skin, apply shaving cream, lotion, or gel before shaving. For a closer shave, use a clean, sharp razor. Shave in the direction the hair grows, not against the grain.

Pat yourself dry. After washing or bathing, gently pat your skin dry with a light pat so that some moisture remains on your skin.

Moisturizes dry skin. If you have dry skin, use a moisturizer that suits your skin type. For daily use, consider a moisturizer that contains sun protection factor.

4. Follow a healthy diet

A healthy diet can help you look and feel your best. Eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in abundant amounts. The relationship between diet and acne is unclear; however, according to some research, a diet high in fish oil or fish oil supplements and low in unhealthy fats and processed or refined carbohydrates may promote younger-looking skin. Drinking plenty of water helps keep skin hydrated.

5. Manage stress

Uncontrolled stress can make the skin more sensitive, causing acne breakouts and other skin problems. To promote healthy skin – and a healthy mood – take steps to manage stress. Get enough sleep, set reasonable limits, shorten your to-do list, and take time to do the things you enjoy. The results may be more noticeable than you expect.