7 tips to be pretty without wearing makeup

Your beauty does not reside solely in makeup. You can be equally spectacular without applying cosmetics to your face. Just take care of yourself both outside and inside

This is why you should clean your feet before sleeping.

Shaving: mistakes and care

The wrinkles of the person who smokes

One of the trends in celebrities is to go out “to the face washed” and not for that reason stop looking pretty. Many times we believe that to look beautiful you need to use tons of makeup but that is not true.

In the following article we give you some tips to make you look natural.

Highlight your beauty without wearing makeup

Our face changes a lot when we put on makeup; that cannot be denied. However, we must accept that we are still interesting when we do not use mask lashes, lipstick or blush.

A woman is much prettier when she can enhance her attributes without anything “artificial.” To look good without makeup, pay attention to these tips:

Clean your face well

Face products

If the skin of the face is clean, it will look younger, radiant … and beautiful! You can enjoy the properties of facial cleansers sold in stores, as long as you pay attention to their components.

Many times they have very strong agents that remove dead cells from the dermis, but also cause redness or dryness.

Washing your face twice a day is also necessary to make it look more radiant, without oiliness or pimples. If you only clean your face when you bathe or want to remove your makeup, you’d better start doing it when you wake up and before going to bed at night, too.

Exfoliate and tone

In addition to washing your face every day, exfoliation is important to remove all blemishes and excess oil. Be very careful not to rub the skin too much to avoid redness or irritation. If you do not want to use a chemical scrub you can take advantage of the benefits of sugar.

A dermis tonic is one of the products that cannot be missed in your daily cleaning. It is used to restore the natural pH of the face, remove excess oil, close pores and much more. Just remember to consider your skin type before purchasing one of these items.

Use natural products

Dry lips

Makeup is not only expensive, it can also cause skin irritation and blemishes. The mascara, for example, requires a lot of effort to remove it and that damages the health of the fragile hairs that protect our eyes.

A good replacement may be petroleum jelly. With very little quantity you will give it the shape and volume that you like the most. Another natural makeup is coconut oil. It is used on the lips as a moisturizing balm and protector from ultraviolet (UV) rays. Ideal for those women who always have them parched or chipped.

No colored lipsticks … A little of this oil and voila! They will look sensual and shiny, in addition to care.

Use sunscreen

Even if you think tanning is a way to look good without makeup, the truth is that sun damaged skin is not pretty at all. Even on winter, cloudy or rainy days a little protection is necessary. Otherwise, you expose yourself to premature aging, skin diseases and, in extreme cases, skin cancer.

If you have a very fair complexion, use a protector of at least 30 SPF. In any case, choose those creams that also serve as moisturizers: this way you will not have to use two different products.

Don’t touch your face

A more than usual mistake. We touch our faces when we are nervous, when we are bored or when we are hot. This bad habit stimulates the production of fat and favors the accumulation of bacteria. All this leads to looking unhealthy skin.

Don’t scratch your face too much either, as it causes loss of firmness and causes wrinkles prematurely.

Sleep and eat well

Not only do you have to perform specific actions on the face to make it look good without makeup. It is necessary to comply with certain healthy habits if we want a flawless face.

One of them is a good rest. When you sleep well it shows. The skin is relaxed, has no black marks or bags under the eyes and remains smooth and healthy. It is recommended to sleep 8 hours in a row every night.

On the other hand, we advise you to feed properly to look more beautiful and not need kilos of makeup to cover up imperfections. The two liters of water (minimum) of each day are not enough. You should also eat better and include more raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Even if it is winter, a juice or a smoothie of fruits or vegetables at breakfast will make the skin look really young and natural.

Pluck your eyebrows

Epilating tweezers

Perfect eyebrows frame the face in a unique way. If they look good, it doesn’t matter if you don’t wear lipstick or blush. They will highlight your eyes and make you look beautiful.

You can go to a beauty salon to have your hair removed, either with wax or with tweezers. In the event that you don’t dare to remove the hairs, you can comb them and keep them “at bay” with some gel.

Other tips to look good without makeup

Wash your hair every other day to avoid the accumulation of fat.

Curl the lashes with a special tool.

Apply eye drops or drops to the eyes.

Pinch your cheeks for color.

7 tips to be pretty without wearing makeup

Your beauty does not reside solely in makeup. You can be equally spectacular without applying cosmetics to your face. Just take care of yourself both outside and inside

This is why you should clean your feet before sleeping.

Shaving: mistakes and care

The wrinkles of the person who smokes

One of the trends in celebrities is to go out “to the face washed” and not for that reason stop looking pretty. Many times we believe that to look beautiful you need to use tons of makeup but that is not true.

In the following article we give you some tips to make you look natural.

Highlight your beauty without wearing makeup

Our face changes a lot when we put on makeup; that cannot be denied. However, we must accept that we are still interesting when we do not use mask lashes, lipstick or blush.

A woman is much prettier when she can enhance her attributes without anything “artificial.” To look good without makeup, pay attention to these tips:

Clean your face well

Face products

If the skin of the face is clean, it will look younger, radiant … and beautiful! You can enjoy the properties of facial cleansers sold in stores, as long as you pay attention to their components.

Many times they have very strong agents that remove dead cells from the dermis, but also cause redness or dryness.

Washing your face twice a day is also necessary to make it look more radiant, without oiliness or pimples. If you only clean your face when you bathe or want to remove your makeup, you’d better start doing it when you wake up and before going to bed at night, too.

Exfoliate and tone

In addition to washing your face every day, exfoliation is important to remove all blemishes and excess oil. Be very careful not to rub the skin too much to avoid redness or irritation. If you do not want to use a chemical scrub you can take advantage of the benefits of sugar.

A dermis tonic is one of the products that cannot be missed in your daily cleaning. It is used to restore the natural pH of the face, remove excess oil, close pores and much more. Just remember to consider your skin type before purchasing one of these items.

Use natural products

Dry lips

Makeup is not only expensive, it can also cause skin irritation and blemishes. The mascara, for example, requires a lot of effort to remove it and that damages the health of the fragile hairs that protect our eyes.

A good replacement may be petroleum jelly. With very little quantity you will give it the shape and volume that you like the most. Another natural makeup is coconut oil. It is used on the lips as a moisturizing balm and protector from ultraviolet (UV) rays. Ideal for those women who always have them parched or chipped.

No colored lipsticks … A little of this oil and voila! They will look sensual and shiny, in addition to care.

Use sunscreen

Even if you think tanning is a way to look good without makeup, the truth is that sun damaged skin is not pretty at all. Even on winter, cloudy or rainy days a little protection is necessary. Otherwise, you expose yourself to premature aging, skin diseases and, in extreme cases, skin cancer.

If you have a very fair complexion, use a protector of at least 30 SPF. In any case, choose those creams that also serve as moisturizers: this way you will not have to use two different products.

Don’t touch your face

A more than usual mistake. We touch our faces when we are nervous, when we are bored or when we are hot. This bad habit stimulates the production of fat and favors the accumulation of bacteria. All this leads to looking unhealthy skin.

Don’t scratch your face too much either, as it causes loss of firmness and causes wrinkles prematurely.

Sleep and eat well

Not only do you have to perform specific actions on the face to make it look good without makeup. It is necessary to comply with certain healthy habits if we want a flawless face.

One of them is a good rest. When you sleep well it shows. The skin is relaxed, has no black marks or bags under the eyes and remains smooth and healthy. It is recommended to sleep 8 hours in a row every night.

On the other hand, we advise you to feed properly to look more beautiful and not need kilos of makeup to cover up imperfections. The two liters of water (minimum) of each day are not enough. You should also eat better and include more raw fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Even if it is winter, a juice or a smoothie of fruits or vegetables at breakfast will make the skin look really young and natural.

Pluck your eyebrows

Epilating tweezers

Perfect eyebrows frame the face in a unique way. If they look good, it doesn’t matter if you don’t wear lipstick or blush. They will highlight your eyes and make you look beautiful.

You can go to a beauty salon to have your hair removed, either with wax or with tweezers. In the event that you don’t dare to remove the hairs, you can comb them and keep them “at bay” with some gel.

Other tips to look good without makeup

Wash your hair every other day to avoid the accumulation of fat.

Curl the lashes with a special tool.

Apply eye drops or drops to the eyes.

Pinch your cheeks for color.

Take care of your dental hygiene.